
Interventional Cardiology Fellowship

Our one-year, ACGME-approved interventional program has two positions.

In accordance to Core Cardiology Training Symposium (COCATS) training requirements, interventional cardiology fellows are required to spend 12 consecutive months at UF Health Jacksonville in the cardiac catheterization laboratory. Here fellows obtain the detailed, extensive exposure to the essential components of adult invasive diagnostic and therapeutic cardiovascular procedures. By the end of the training, the interventional cardiology fellows will have acquired the knowledge base, judgment and technical skills to become an independent operator in interventional cardiology.

This program also has a core curriculum, which includes a series of lectures covering pertinent topics in interventional cardiology. Fellows are required to participate by presenting several of the topics throughout the year and are expected to complete a compendium of suggested readings provided to them. An additional teaching tool used in the fellowship program is a book on interventional cardiology published by the division's faculty.

Fellows will also provide patient care after the percutaneous interventions during a half-day per week continuity clinic.


The fellowship will include clinical research responsibilities, as well as attendance at cardiology meetings and seminars. To complete the requirements of training, each fellow must perform an independent clinical research project under the supervision of a University of Florida faculty mentor. Fellows will be expected to formulate a research question, write the protocol, collect the data and then present the information in the form of a publication in a peer reviewed journal or presentation at a national meeting. Every spring, a Research Day is held on campus, with residents and fellows from all disciplines presenting their investigations. The University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville further encourages resident/fellow research through the availability of Dean’s Fund Research Awards.

Fellows may carry out more than one independent project and/or serve as site co-investigator on one or more of the many ongoing clinical trials within the division.

Our fellows also participate in ongoing multicenter clinical trials and imaging core laboratory research activities.

Currently, we are involved in studies utilizing IVUS, physiology (FFR), primary PCI, anticoagulation in acute coronary syndromes and anti-restenotic medications, as well as intramyocardial delivery of gene and stem cell therapy to promote myogenesis and angiogenesis. Our faculty are also pioneers in the utilization and delivery of drug-eluting stents.